BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 7: It's Joever vs. Stanford B

It's Joever


Ankit Aggarwal0115
Naveed Chowdhury12035
Hari Parameswaran16075
Eric Wolfsberg02115
13 bonuses for 190 points (14.62 PPB)

Stanford B


Allan Lee13045
Kyle Hu13045
Trevor Hart0000
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Ankit AggarwalNaveed ChowdhuryHari ParameswaranEric WolfsbergBonusesTotalTUAllan LeeKyle HuTrevor HartBonusesTotal
0210 111001020
10 1381001030320
15 361001065420
10 120100085520
10 11001010115620
15 4001010150720
10 741000170820
170915 31001045
-5 1111651010 138010065
10 9601001851165
10 14410002051265
10 9110002251365
2251415 3810100100
10 96010024515100
2451610 9201010130
10 1100101027517130
2751810 13901010160
10 1331010030519160
10 110010032520160
-5 863202110 1260100180
3202210 870100200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text