BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 2: UC Berkeley A vs. UC Berkeley B

UC Berkeley B


Kevin Ye001-5
Anuttam Ramji0115
Vinu Harihar12035
Steven Yuan23060
9 bonuses for 80 points (8.89 PPB)

UC Berkeley A


Shahar Schwartz11215
Eve Fleisig21135
Swapnil Garg13045
Ryan Sun0115
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Kevin YeAnuttam RamjiVinu HariharSteven YuanBonusesTotalTUShahar SchwartzEve FleisigSwapnil GargRyan SunBonusesTotal
10 1170001010
10210 1351001030
10 104010030330
30410 113001050
30510 102010070
30615 16101010115
30715 550100140
15 790100558140
551015 22101010185
551115 5610010220
15 540007012220
10 11101009013220
10 122001011014-5 116215
-5 951051510 1110010235
1051610 930010255
-5 941001710 1200100275
10 120001012018275
10 1550101015019-5 154270
15020-5 104265
15 71010017521265
17522-5 54260
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text