
A depiction of this figure on the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum depicts her with a crown, throne, scepter, and an orb with a cross to demonstrate her dominance over her three counterparts. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this allegorical figure who sits near a cow, holding a scepter in one hand and resting the other atop a temple, on the cornice of a ceiling fresco by Tiepolo in the Wurzburg Palace that also depicts the Planets.
ANSWER: Europe [accept Empress Europa]
[10h] Tiepolo’s allegorical depictions of the continents follow the features developed in this Italian humanist’s Iconologia, which collected depictions of personifications of concepts like the virtues, vices, and sciences.
ANSWER: Cesare Ripa
[10e] This Dutch master adapted Ripa’s iconography for his The Allegory of Faith. He took creative liberties with the standard depiction of Clio, the Muse of History, in his The Art of Painting.
ANSWER: Johannes Vermeer

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Berkeley ABerkeley B001010
[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]Stanford A10101030
It's JoeverStanford B001010