BHSU at UC Berkeley

Round 2: Stanford A vs. [Insert Lawyer Joke Here]

Stanford A


Tim Morrison30140
Ethan Strombeck12035
Natan Holtzman43090
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

[Insert Lawyer Joke Here]


Jason Golfinos13140
Stephen Liu21040
Joey Montoya10015
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Tim MorrisonEthan StrombeckNatan HoltzmanBonusesTotalTUJason GolfinosStephen LiuJoey MontoyaBonusesTotal
15 971010104510
10 123100107520
75310 104010020
75415 61100045
15 5910100110545
15 2901010145645
15 580100170745
170810 96010065
15 37101010215965
-5 59210100 12865
2101115 66101010110
15 64100023512110
10 80010025513110
2551410 9501010140
2551510 91101010180
10 82001027516180
10 121010029517-5 74175
10 981001032518175
3251915 820100200
3252015 270100225
15 30001035021225
15 681010038522225
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text