2025 ACF Regionals at North Carolina

Round 4: Duke A vs. William & Mary A

Duke A


Koji Bilbao000
Ethan Rehder000
Ivan Stanisavljevic120
Jacob Egol4230
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

William & Mary A


Samuel Li01-5
Chris Yoo9090
Derek Aldridge3030
Meredie Cohen2020
14 bonuses for 210 points (15 PPB)

Koji BilbaoEthan RehderIvan StanisavljevicJacob EgolBonusesTotalTUSamuel LiChris YooDerek AldridgeMeredie CohenBonusesTotal
0110 910101030
0210 8910101070
0310 101010090
0410 8801010120
-5 103-5510 1420100140
-5610 93000150
10 51101010357150
10 370100558150
10 970010759150
-5 85701010 14601010180
10 411001010011180
1001210 12710010210
1001310 441000230
0 13710014-5 92225
1001510 1520010245
1001610 820010265
-5 101951710 12601010295
10 9900010518295
-5 981001910 1270100315
1002010 11810100345
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text