2025 ACF Regionals at Texas

Round 10: Texas A&M A vs. Texas B

Texas B


Owen Gilroy03125
Keerthana Krishnan02115
Viraj Negandhi02115
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Texas A&M A


John Luke Broussard06155
Tony Liang02115
Aaron Yoo0115
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Owen GilroyKeerthana KrishnanViraj NegandhiBonusesTotalTUJohn Luke BroussardTony LiangAaron YooBonusesTotal
0110 90100020
0210 125001040
-5 91-5310 130100060
10 132100015460
15510 611010090
-5 11210610 1390100110
10 770010307110
10 12710100608-5 69105
60910 1220010125
601010 93000135
0 1176011-5 80130
6012-5 115125
-5 2755130 120125
10 12110007514125
10 1340101010515125
0 137105160 137125
10 1241010013517125
10 136010015518125
1551910 870010145
1552010 721000165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text