
In a story from this region, a woman was turned into a plant after drowning while searching for the moon goddess Jaci. Travelers in this region can be led astray by the backwards footprints of a flaming dwarf-like demon or a hairy one-eyed giant. A mythical “land (-5[1])of cinnamon” was the destination of an expedition in this natural region chronicled by Gaspar (10[1])de Carvajal (“kar-vah-HALL”). Men in this natural region may be targeted by a siren-like figure named Iara (“Yara”), while women may be impregnated by shapeshifting dolphins. The 100-foot-long snake Yacumama inhabits this natural region, where Henry Fawcett disappeared while searching for the Lost City of Z. For 10 points, myths of the Tupi peoples tell of creatures from what South American rainforest? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Amazon rainforest [or Amazon jungle; accept Amazon River or Amazon River Basin; accept Gran Chaco; prompt on Brazil] (The first line refers to a common story about the creation of the giant water lily Victoria amazonica. The second line describes the Curupira and Mapinguari.)
<Brown, Mythology>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jisoo YooTexas AASU46-5
John Luke BroussardTAMUTexas B6110
Bryan UgazASUTexas A12210


Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%97.00
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%50%91.50