2025 ACF Regionals at Penn State

Round 12: Georgetown A vs. Northwestern B

Georgetown A


Cole Hartung4135
Rachel Ezrielev6060
Matt Schinnick2115
Eric Feichthaler000
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

Northwestern B


Ved Muthusamy01-5
Jacob Puthipiroj3125
Andrew Vincent2020
Stephen Walsh2210
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Cole HartungRachel EzrielevMatt SchinnickEric FeichthalerBonusesTotalTUVed MuthusamyJacob PuthipirojAndrew VincentStephen WalshBonusesTotal
10 12210002010
10 651010106020
60310 10400010
10 1201010090410
10 151101001205-5 805
10 115001014065
10 132100101707-5 1050
170810 57010020
170910 831001050
1701010 1271001080
1701110 420100100
10 1300101020012100
20013-5 10895
-5 441951410 750010115
10 60100021515115
2151610 51101010155
10 132001023517-5 33150
10 99010025519150
0 127255200 127150
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text