2025 ACF Regionals at Penn State

Round 1: Georgetown B vs. Notre Dame B

Georgetown B


Meggy Mani000
Ben Horning120
1 bonuses for 0 points (0 PPB)

Notre Dame B


Jonah Hubert6155
Ben Koberlein4135
Max Kolda01-5
Noah McRedmond3030
13 bonuses for 160 points (12.31 PPB)

Meggy ManiBen HorningBonusesTotalTUJonah HubertBen KoberleinMax KoldaNoah McRedmondBonusesTotal
01-5 93-5
10 138000102-5 59-10
10310 771001020
10410 139100040
10510 134001060
10610 136100080
10910 9000090
101010 480010110
101110 1360010130
101210 1251000150
-5 6051310 1310010170
51410 12010100200
515-5 84195
51610 7510100225
-5 125017225
01810 8501010255
01910 1340100275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text