2025 ACF Regionals at Cornell

Round 1: Binghamton A vs. RIT B

Binghamton A


Elijah O'Sick Johnson000
Giuseppe Piccirilli3030
Owen Linder6060
Peter Smith1010
10 bonuses for 90 points (9 PPB)



Tom Scheri000
Danny Cutbill2020
Emilie Moore01-5
Greg Reiser1010
Jared Schwartz1010
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Elijah O'Sick JohnsonGiuseppe PiccirilliOwen LinderPeter SmithBonusesTotalTUTom ScheriDanny CutbillEmilie MooreGreg ReiserJared SchwartzBonusesTotal
0 11801-5 93-5
10 1250010202-5
10 751000403-5
10 13310100704-5
70510 134001015
10 13500080615
0 1368070 13615
0 1138080 11315
10 1220100100915
10 4800101201015
10 10600101401115
10 132000150120 13215
10 9700101701315
1701410 12100025
1701510 94010045
0 139170160 13945
0 142170170 14245
10 9701001901845
1901910 134010065
0 137190200 13765
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text