A hall named for this country built in Victorian-era Piccadilly became a popular venue for spiritualists and magic shows. Ritual costumes inspired by this country’s history were worn by the non-Greek Order of the Golden Dawn, drawing on the work of Karl Richard Lepsius. While staying in this country, Aleister Crowley (“AL-uh-stir KROH-lee”) wrote The Book of the Law, launching his Thelema movement centered on deities from this country. Parties themed around bodies illegally imported from this country were organized by the surgeon Thomas Pettigrew, who unwrapped them for Victorian audiences. Lord Carnarvon’s death was the first to be blamed on a curse caused by an excavation in this country. For 10 points, name this country where a team led by Howard Carter was supposedly cursed by opening the tomb of King Tut. ■END■
ANSWER: Egypt [or Miṣr; or Arab Republic of Egypt; accept Jumhūriyyat Miṣr al-‘Arabiyyah; accept Egyptian Hall]
<EC, European History>
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