2025 ACF Regionals at Vanderbilt

Round 3: Georgia Tech A vs. Georgia Tech D

Georgia Tech A


Michael Zhou115
Tianyu Xu120
Arhith Dharanendra1010
Ayan Guha01-5
3 bonuses for 50 points (16.67 PPB)

Georgia Tech D


Monish Jampala1010
Pranav Jothi1010
Samir Sarma8175
Allen Xu2115
12 bonuses for 150 points (12.5 PPB)

Michael ZhouTianyu XuArhith DharanendraAyan GuhaBonusesTotalTUMonish JampalaPranav JothiSamir SarmaAllen XuBonusesTotal
-5 122-5110 13100010
-5210 121001030
-5 82-1030 13730
-10410 10900040
10 960101020540
20610 79001060
-5 1171570 13860
15810 115010080
15910 1020100100
151010 12110010130
10 143101004511130
0 1264512-5 121125
451310 12810100155
0 132451410 1320100175
10 11010006515175
651610 125101010215
0 1446517-5 104210
651810 820100230
-5 85601910 13610100260
0 13660200 136260
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text