2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 5: Bard A vs. Penn State A

Bard A


Ezra Greenhill1010
Hazel Depreist-Sullivan4040
Greta Hong000
Kyle Nolan000
5 bonuses for 90 points (18 PPB)

Penn State A


Mitch McCullar6250
Teigue Kelly9185
15 bonuses for 290 points (19.33 PPB)

Ezra GreenhillHazel Depreist-SullivanGreta HongKyle NolanBonusesTotalTUMitch McCullarTeigue KellyBonusesTotal
10 1290010201-5 45-5
20210 870101025
20310 1000101055
20410 48001075
10 12810100505-5 7070
10 6510101090670
90710 6501010100
90810 4010100130
90910 6610100160
901010 1030100180
901110 6910100210
10 481010012012210
1201310 5210100240
1201410 10710010270
1201510 4901010300
1201610 6410100330
10 111100014017-5 45325
1401810 99101010365
1401910 8810010395
1402010 8601010425
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text