2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 5: Columbia A vs. Penn B

Penn B


Zachary Leblang1010
Vedh Ramesh000
Vincent Zhang000
Srikar Venkatesan02-10
1 bonuses for 20 points (20 PPB)

Columbia A


Cooper Roh4040
Charles Young8175
Jack Rado4040
Geoffrey Wu3030
19 bonuses for 440 points (23.16 PPB)

Zachary LeblangVedh RameshVincent ZhangSrikar VenkatesanBonusesTotalTUCooper RohCharles YoungJack RadoGeoffrey WuBonusesTotal
-5 63-5110 6410101040
-5210 3510101080
-5 30-10310 10101010110
-10410 75101010150
-10510 740100170
-10610 55101010210
-10710 6510100240
-10810 55101010280
-10910 5510010310
-101010 500100330
-101110 3310100360
-101210 6710100390
10 147010102013-5 99385
201410 33101010425
201510 70101010465
201610 500100485
201710 43101010525
201810 105101010565
201910 6010010595
202010 10501010625
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text