2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 2: Lehigh A vs. Penn State A

Penn State A


Mitch McCullar7165
Teigue Kelly7260
14 bonuses for 300 points (21.43 PPB)

Lehigh A


Will Hollister3030
Chase Barrick3030
Jack Stuhlman000
Caedmon Holland000
Nolan Keating01-5
Lauren Edgar000
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Mitch McCullarTeigue KellyBonusesTotalTUWill HollisterChase BarrickJack StuhlmanCaedmon HollandNolan KeatingLauren EdgarBonusesTotal
10 104101003010
10 56101006020
10 5010101010030
-5 6795410 129001020
95510 270101050
10 42101010135650
10 8301010165750
10 810100185850
10 551000205950
2051010 74010070
10 1111010102451170
10 77010102751270
10 62100103051370
10 87010103351470
-5 743301510 115001090
-5 473251610 146101010130
10 1351010035517-5 43125
3551810 880010145
10 92001037519145
10 6738520145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text