
Hamilton’s principle states that systems will take a path in configuration space where this quantity remains constant, thus expressing the principle of stationary [this quantity]. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this quantity that equals the time integral of the Lagrangian.
ANSWER: action [accept principle of stationary action; prompt on S]
[10e] Stationary points of an action functional are the solutions to equations named for Joseph-Louis Lagrange and this mathematician. His namesake number e is approximately equal to 2.718.
ANSWER: Leonhard Euler (“OY-lur”) [accept Euler–Lagrange equations or Euler’s number]
[10h] The principle of stationary action is generalized by this formalism, which attempts to find the propagator by summing the functional “e to the action times i over h-bar” over all trajectories.
ANSWER: path integral formulation

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Bard AJohns Hopkins B010010
Columbia BPrinceton A010010
Johns Hopkins AHaverford A10101030
Penn BRowan A010010
Penn State ALehigh1010020
Rutgers APenn State B010010
Penn ARutgers C10101030