2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 2: Haverford A vs. Johns Hopkins A

Johns Hopkins A


Nihal Chatra1010
David Bass4040
Sinecio Morales4135
Aditya Shivaswamy6155
15 bonuses for 310 points (20.67 PPB)

Haverford A


Arjun Bothra3125
Ethan Furman2020
William Snyder000
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Nihal ChatraDavid BassSinecio MoralesAditya ShivaswamyBonusesTotalTUArjun BothraEthan FurmanWilliam SnyderBonusesTotal
10 1041010104010
10 701010108020
10 590101011030
10 75001013040
10 45010015050
150610 740101030
10 64101010190730
190810 58010050
-5 43185910 138010070
10 1071001021510-5 4065
10 11101002351165
10 93101002651265
10 93010102951365
10 55100103251465
10 741010103651565
10 145100103951665
-5 483901710 135001085
10 981010104301885
10 8200104501985
4502010 670010105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text