2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 13: Auburn A vs. Georgia Tech B

Georgia Tech B


Nitish Sudhakar000
Jeffrey Xu4040
Rohan Dalal2210
Kevin Wang4135
10 bonuses for 210 points (21 PPB)

Auburn A


Gabi Smith1010
Will McCurley5145
Henry Bylinowski1010
Will Hughes3030
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Nitish SudhakarJeffrey XuRohan DalalKevin WangBonusesTotalTUGabi SmithWill McCurleyHenry BylinowskiWill HughesBonusesTotal
0110 77010020
-5 74-5210 123010040
-5310 58010060
10 671001025460
25510 80010080
10 531001055680
-5 5350710 11110100110
-5 7345810 114101010150
10 10410100759150
10 6610101011510150
1151110 6210010180
10 470101014512180
10 1320101017513-5 95175
1751410 9001010205
10 1310101021515205
10 58001023516205
2351710 7501010235
10 701010026518235
10 671010029519235
2952010 6401010265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text