2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 10: Alabama A vs. Emory B

Alabama A


Robert Merchant2210
Britton Webster2115
Jackson McDonald1010
Harris Becker2020
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

Emory B


Tarun Koti4040
Ethan Altshul6060
Barkot Belay3030
13 bonuses for 160 points (12.31 PPB)

Robert MerchantBritton WebsterJackson McDonaldHarris BeckerBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiEthan AltshulBarkot BelayBonusesTotal
0110 11200010
-5 87-5210 1260101040
-5310 111010060
10 751001025460
10 820101055560
-5 9950610 121010080
50710 6501010110
50810 1010100130
10 550100709130
10 721001010010130
1001110 9210100160
1001210 770100180
10 1060101013013180
1301410 6810010210
-5 311251510 1040100230
1251610 911000250
10 10510101016517250
1651810 940100270
10 108001018519270
1852010 720010290
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text