
A general of this ethnicity who reportedly cheated on an entrance exam was arrested in Operation Tarnished Eagle for attempting a coup in his native country. These people’s service alongside (-5[1])the US is memorialized in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Alexander (10[1])Haig claimed that Soviet “yellow (10[1])rain” chemical weapons targeted this ethnicity. Refugees of this (-5[1])ethnicity who fought in the “Secret War” were led by Vang Pao. (10[2])People of this ethnicity are portrayed in Clint Eastwood’s film Gran Torino (10[1])as well (10[1])as an Anne (10[1])Fadiman book about a Merced family whose child suffers from epilepsy. (10[1])The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down depicts a family of (10[3])this ethnicity that primarily settled near (10[1])Fresno and Minneapolis. For 10 points, what Southeast Asian ethnicity (10[1])did the CIA back to fight communists in Laos? ■END■ (0[2])

ANSWER: Hmong [or Hmong American or ​​Hmoob; accept Hmong Daw or Mong Njua; prompt on Miao; prompt on Laotians or Laotian Americans; reject “Lao” or “Lao American”]
<American History>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CGeorgia A29-5
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FGeorgia Tech C3710
Jeffry XuGeorgia Tech BAuburn A4210
TurjyaGeorgia AEmory B51-5
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FClemson A6310
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech E6310
Britton WebsterAlabama AEmory B7510
Will HughesAuburn AEmory A7710
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DEmory A8010
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech B9110
Gannon RiceClemson AAlabama A10310
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech E10310
Coy MierAuburn CAuburn B10310
Barkot BelayEmory BGeorgia A10910
Sara SimkinsGeorgia AGeorgia Tech C11910
Malachi LedfordTusculum AAuburn C1290
Brandon HuntAuburn CTusculum A1290