2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 1: Auburn C vs. Tennessee A

Tennessee A


Alex Wyrick3030
William Barnes4040
Richard D'Angelo2020
Parker McCoig5240
14 bonuses for 240 points (17.14 PPB)

Auburn C


Brandon Hunt1010
Zach Miller000
Coy Mier1010
Matthew Bray000
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Alex WyrickWilliam BarnesRichard D'AngeloParker McCoigBonusesTotalTUBrandon HuntZach MillerCoy MierMatthew BrayBonusesTotal
10 10110002010
10 8500104020
10 10401006030
-5 5755410 117100020
55610 120100040
10 1150101085740
10 9301010115840
-5 123110940
10 11200101301240
10 86101001601340
10 107010101901440
10 11710002101540
10 111101002401640
10 103101002701740
10 130100103001840
10 1331010103401940
10 92010103702040
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text