2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 11: Northwestern A vs. Purdue C

Purdue C


Owyn Noble01-5
Aneesh Shrotriya4135
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Northwestern A


Stephen Walsh5335
Jacob Puthipiroj120
Matt Schiavone7070
13 bonuses for 230 points (17.69 PPB)

Owyn NobleAneesh ShrotriyaBonusesTotalTUStephen WalshJacob PuthipirojMatt SchiavoneBonusesTotal
0110 1201010030
0210 66001050
03-5 8345
10 64100020445
20510 201001075
20610 101101010115
20710 1160100135
20810 8210100165
10 15001010509-5 105160
10 106010108010-5 77155
801110 11010010185
801210 1160100205
801310 12210010235
-5 6875140 127235
-5 15701510 44101010275
701610 130100295
10 12701009017-5 110290
0 1519018-5 148285
901910 6810010315
902010 580100335
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text