2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 11: Purdue B vs. Illinois C

Illinois C


Gabe Dubowski3030
Jack Casey2210
Jisoo Park3030
Sam Alahi3125
11 bonuses for 130 points (11.82 PPB)

Purdue B


Era Gunawan01-5
Ishaan Singh5145
David Mathew2115
Reilly Melville2020
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Gabe DubowskiJack CaseyJisoo ParkSam AlahiBonusesTotalTUEra GunawanIshaan SinghDavid MathewReilly MelvilleBonusesTotal
-5 80-5110 130010020
-5210 641001050
10 51100015350
10 104001035450
10 49010055550
-5 6950610 120010070
50710 111010090
50810 11310100120
10 12401010809120
10 97100010010120
10 100010012011120
1201210 901000140
1201310 9810100170
-5 120115140 127170
10 126010013515-5 24165
1351610 730100185
1351710 82101010225
10 1511010016518-5 118220
10 840101019519220
10 126010021520-5 38215
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text