2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 11: Purdue A vs. Illinois A

Illinois A


Justin Wytmar3125
Akshar Goyal235
Michael Hunding6060
Max Brodsky1010
12 bonuses for 250 points (20.83 PPB)

Purdue A


Nolan Jones2020
Nitin Murthy2020
Matthew Westley2020
Eric Yang2115
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Justin WytmarAkshar GoyalMichael HundingMax BrodskyBonusesTotalTUNolan JonesNitin MurthyMatthew WestleyEric YangBonusesTotal
10 741010104010
40210 72001020
-5 8135310 1111001050
-5 5530410 120001070
30510 56101010110
10 610100506110
10 5710100807110
10 54101001108110
10 10200101309110
-5 581251010 11810010140
-5 301201110 1140100160
10 901001015012-5 51155
10 481010018013155
10 641010021014155
10 381010024015155
2401610 7910010185
2401710 1130100205
10 11310101028018205
10 661010031019205
10 5110101035020205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text