2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 10: Indiana A vs. Purdue A

Indiana A


Danila Kabotyanski4135
Justin Hawkins3220
Alex Akridge4040
11 bonuses for 220 points (20 PPB)

Purdue A


Nolan Jones5050
Eric Yang3030
Nitin Murthy1010
Matthew Westley000
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Danila KabotyanskiJustin HawkinsAlex AkridgeBonusesTotalTUNolan JonesEric YangNitin MurthyMatthew WestleyBonusesTotal
10 511010104010
40210 401001030
10 76010060330
10 851001090430
10 8410010120530
10 610010140630
-5 69135710 1041010060
10 520100155860
155910 811001090
10 1191010101951090
-5 831901110 1320100110
1901210 7801010140
10 751001022013140
10 1071010025014140
10 670101028015140
2801610 7701010170
2801710 690010190
2801810 8410010220
10 5410101032019220
-5 683152010 9010100250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text