2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 10: Chicago B vs. Illinois C

Illinois C


Gabe Dubowski2115
Jack Casey4135
Jisoo Park4040
Sam Alahi2020
12 bonuses for 170 points (14.17 PPB)

Chicago B


Liam Starnes4135
Jay Kim1010
William Houston000
Samarth Ram2020
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

Gabe DubowskiJack CaseyJisoo ParkSam AlahiBonusesTotalTULiam StarnesJay KimWilliam HoustonSamarth RamBonusesTotal
0110 4910101040
0210 90001060
10 115010020360
10 1121001050460
10 1100010705-5 6655
10 69001090655
-5 5685710 1241001085
10 550100105885
105910 6610010115
-5 13710010115
1001110 621000135
1001210 11010100165
10 66001012013165
10 92001014014165
10 4010101018015165
10 920101021016165
10 760101024017165
10 860101027018165
10 2100028019165
2802010 4710100195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text