2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 10: Chicago C vs. Illinois A

Illinois A


Justin Wytmar2020
Akshar Goyal5050
Michael Hunding4040
Max Brodsky1010
12 bonuses for 270 points (22.5 PPB)

Chicago C


Alvin Guo115
Coby Tran4040
Sam Konkel3125
Benny Feldman000
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Justin WytmarAkshar GoyalMichael HundingMax BrodskyBonusesTotalTUAlvin GuoCoby TranSam KonkelBenny FeldmanBonusesTotal
10 541010104010
10 36100107020
70310 78010020
10 4510010100420
10 38101010140520
140610 440101050
10 115101001707-5 4945
170810 57010065
10 6510010200965
2001010 611001095
2001110 6610100125
10 6310101024012125
10 731001027013125
2701410 1051000145
10 3410101031015145
3101610 8501010175
3101710 7101010205
10 57100033018205
10 410101036019-5 19200
10 531010039020200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text