2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 4: Miami-Ohio A vs. WUSTL B

Miami-Ohio A


Francis Bernhardt000
Connor McClelland1010
Evan Davies3030
Lucas Gagen000
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)



Jeremy Cummings3030
John John Groger5050
Neal Joshi4040
June Yin4135
16 bonuses for 330 points (20.63 PPB)

Francis BernhardtConnor McClellandEvan DaviesLucas GagenBonusesTotalTUJeremy CummingsJohn John GrogerNeal JoshiJune YinBonusesTotal
0110 47010020
0210 721010050
0310 970101080
0410 740010100
0510 96101010140
10 1170100206-5 46135
20710 10401010165
20810 55101010205
20910 55101010245
10 781010106010245
601110 9510100275
601210 6910100305
601310 6001010335
10 5610008014335
801510 9810100365
801610 12810010395
801710 6901010425
801810 90101010465
801910 920010485
10 61001010020485
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text