2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 4: Notre Dame A vs. Illinois D

Illinois D


Ethan Ma3220
Anila Moparthi2020
Jiping Fang4040
David Zhang1010
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Notre Dame A


Christopher Joseph1010
Max Kolda2115
Sam McNamee6155
Noah McRedmond1010
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Ethan MaAnila MoparthiJiping FangDavid ZhangBonusesTotalTUChristopher JosephMax KoldaSam McNameeNoah McRedmondBonusesTotal
10 8201002010
10 12610100502-5 118-5
10 1220100703-5
70410 58001015
10 27010090515
-5 6885610 12010101055
85710 65010075
10 600100105875
10 138101010145975
1451010 7110010105
-5 631401110 13210100135
0 137140120 137135
1401310 1270100155
10 890101017014155
10 7500018015155
1801610 14601010185
1801710 480010205
10 120001020018-5 101200
2001910 1270100220
10 108001022020220
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text