2024 ACF Winter at UC Berkeley

Round 6: UC Berkeley B vs. Stanford M

UC Berkeley B


Albert Su000
Rohan Shelke4040
Ryan Sun6345
Terry Tang01-5
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Stanford M


Michal Gerasimiuk10480
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Albert SuRohan ShelkeRyan SunTerry TangBonusesTotalTUMichal GerasimiukBonusesTotal
0110 710101030
-5 66-5210 12400040
10 12101010253-5 8835
10 81100045435
-5 6440510 12400045
10 12210100706-5 2240
10 73001090740
10 9810100120840
10 12510001409-5 1935
1401010 1011001065
-5 621351110 1350101095
-5 461301210 1281000115
1301310 9310100145
10 661010016014145
1601510 1300100165
10 561001019016165
10 83010021017165
10 11910101025018-5 79160
2501910 870100180
2502010 4401010210
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text