
This deity was honored in the Festivals of the Raising of Banners and the Giving of Flowers. A bell-covered goddess killed by this deity is featured on a circular stone carving that is thought to have originally been colored bright yellow and blue on a red background. This god’s predecessor in one role drowned the world in blood by crying for 52 years. (-5[1])This god killed his sister and his 400 brothers while defending his mother, who was impregnated by a ball of feathers. (-5[2])This god, who took the role of the fifth sun, marked one location with an eagle eating a snake perched on a cactus. This god, whose symbol is the hummingbird, was sustained through regular human sacrifice at the Templo Mayor. For 10 points, name this patron of Tenochtitlan and Aztec war god. (10[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Huitzilopochtli (“weet-zee-loh-POHSH-tlee”) (The “bell-covered” goddess is Coyolxauhqui.)
= Average correct buzz position

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