2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 10: Northeastern A vs. Williams A

Northeastern A


Rajat Sethi5525
Rishi Koduri000
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Williams A


Marc Greco4040
Ethan Young9090
13 bonuses for 150 points (11.54 PPB)

Rajat SethiRishi KoduriBonusesTotalTUMarc GrecoEthan YoungBonusesTotal
0110 112001020
-5 96-5210 121001040
-5310 113001060
-5410 109100080
10 94010015580
10 89100035680
10 11900045780
-5 11940880
40910 870010100
-5 933510100
351110 1170010120
10 9501005512120
551310 1210010140
551410 12501010170
551510 990010190
-5 65501610 1280100210
10 12101007017210
701810 921000230
701910 10310010260
-5 125652010 1320010280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text