
In a Philip Haas film, this artist contrasts the rigidity of Canaletto with Wang Hui’s fluid use of space in his scroll painting The Emperor’s Southern Inspection Tour. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this artist who used an iPad to paint multi-panelled landscapes like 2019’s A Year in Normandy.
ANSWER: David Hockney
[10e] Hockney’s later career has sought to “reverse” this technique, which he claimed led to a decline in Qing painting. Renaissance artists developed this optical technique by using consistent vanishing points.
ANSWER: linear perspective [accept reverse perspective]
[10m] In Secret Knowledge, Hockney controversially proposed that linear perspective developed in Western art due to optical aids like these devices. These devices are dark rooms into which an image is projected through a pinhole.
ANSWER: camera obscura [or camerae obscurae]
<Visual Fine Arts>

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