2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 10: Bowdoin A vs. Tufts B

Bowdoin A


Riley Roessler3030
Evan Lucca2020
Nick Enbar-Salo000
Richard Lim2210
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Tufts B


Francis Powell1010
Ethan Siskel115
Dylan Tanouye115
Will Zhang7165
Douglas Lilly1010
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Riley RoesslerEvan LuccaNick Enbar-SaloRichard LimBonusesTotalTUFrancis PowellEthan SiskelDylan TanouyeWill ZhangDouglas LillyBonusesTotal
10 12100102010
0 122202-5 112-5
20310 811001025
20410 9900035
20510 1261001065
10 1350100406-5 11760
10 12000050760
50810 680101090
50910 14010010120
501010 1190010140
501110 9510100170
10 8700107012170
10 1110101010013170
-5 94951410 1250010190
10 131010011515-5 105185
-5 941101610 1290100205
0 143110170 143205
10 11510100140180 115205
1401910 790010225
1402010 690010245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text