2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 5: Amherst A vs. Williams A

Amherst A


Michael Zheng1010
Richard Lin7070
Kevin Hoff000
Yvonne Pan1010
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Williams A


Ethan Young6250
Marc Greco115
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Michael ZhengRichard LinKevin HoffYvonne PanBonusesTotalTUEthan YoungMarc GrecoBonusesTotal
0110 650101030
10 1141010030230
10 860101060330
60410 88001050
60510 10600060
60710 111010080
10 37100080880
0 134809-5 9575
10 48100101101075
10 10901001301175
10 11201001501275
1501410 126010095
10 6601001701595
10 85100102001695
10 8300102201795
2201810 1341000115
0 12122019-5 103110
0 10522020110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text