2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Southampton A vs. Warwick A

Southampton A


Cormac Stephenson2115
Zayyan Mahmood3315
Christian Sherrington115
Zosia Mikolajczuk3030
9 bonuses for 130 points (14.44 PPB)

Warwick A


Adsayan Ganesh1010
Lucas Johns4040
Odysseas Gabrielatos3030
Chris Levesley3030
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

Cormac StephensonZayyan MahmoodChristian SherringtonZosia MikolajczukBonusesTotalTUAdsayan GaneshLucas JohnsOdysseas GabrielatosChris LevesleyBonusesTotal
-5 111-5110 13010101040
-5 102-10210 129100060
10 891010020360
10 1280101050460
-5 4845510 1201010090
10 691010075690
10 11600085790
85810 1190100110
10 5401001059110
-5 1051001010 1401000130
1001110 10110100160
1001210 83000170
10 10810101014013170
10 112001016014170
1601510 710100190
10 44010018016190
-5 871751710 1221000210
1751810 830100230
1751910 940100250
10 111010019520250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text