2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Vanderbilt A vs. Warwick B

Vanderbilt A


Gavin Markoff123105
12 bonuses for 150 points (12.5 PPB)

Warwick B


Josh Howarth120
Danny Fisher1010
George Purkiss115
Lucy Dennett2020
5 bonuses for 80 points (16 PPB)

Gavin MarkoffBonusesTotalTUJosh HowarthDanny FisherGeorge PurkissLucy DennettBonusesTotal
-5 99-510 1290
-5 110-10210 128001020
10 470000320
0410 1271010050
0 11905-5 2145
10 6200010645
10 1041010040745
-5 10635810 1341010075
10 125100106590 12575
10 880100851075
0 1178511-5 8170
10 11201001051270
10 13510101014513-5 3365
10 11201001651465
1651510 781001095
1651610 540010115
10 87001018517115
10 720101021518115
10 91010023519115
10 96100025520115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text