2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Durham A vs. Oxford B

Oxford B


Paige Crawley3030
Matthew Turner2115
Oliver Beeby1010
Ben Watson2020
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Durham A


Tom Haines7070
Hamish Campbell000
Bella Thomas1010
Aisling Skeet2020
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Paige CrawleyMatthew TurnerOliver BeebyBen WatsonBonusesTotalTUTom HainesHamish CampbellBella ThomasAisling SkeetBonusesTotal
0110 3610101040
10 891001030240
10 471010060340
10 1200101090440
10 9910100120540
120610 801010070
120710 11301010100
120810 113000110
10 810001309110
1301010 1001000130
-5 581251210 1220100150
10 70100014513150
10 108001016514150
1651510 870010170
1651610 1030010190
10 480101019517190
1951810 671000210
1952010 510100230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text