2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Durham B vs. Edinburgh A

Edinburgh A


Blake Danziger1010
James Carrigy6060
Greg Myles2020
Lovel Hearn3125
12 bonuses for 140 points (11.67 PPB)

Durham B


Amelia Rees1010
Matteo Fronduti1010
Luke Nash2020
Sophie Hughes2020
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Blake DanzigerJames CarrigyGreg MylesLovel HearnBonusesTotalTUAmelia ReesMatteo FrondutiLuke NashSophie HughesBonusesTotal
10 11701002010
10 128100105020
10 109101008030
10 730101011040
10 791010014050
140610 1081010030
140710 115001050
10 105000150850
-5 10614590 12550
10 10501001651050
10 1020001751150
1751210 87010070
10 11210001951370
1951410 100001090
1951510 11110010120
10 57001021516120
10 75010023517120
2351810 1041000140
0 137235190 137140
10 121010025520140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text