2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Imperial A vs. Manchester A

Manchester A


Kai Madgwick5050
Enoch Boateng000
Yashika Bhatra000
Nathan Easow1010
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Imperial A


Owen Iredale115
Justin Keung1010
Oscar O'Flanagan3125
Justin Lee6345
11 bonuses for 230 points (20.91 PPB)

Kai MadgwickEnoch BoatengYashika BhatraNathan EasowBonusesTotalTUOwen IredaleJustin KeungOscar O'FlanaganJustin LeeBonusesTotal
10 130101010401-5 81-5
10 110101010802-5
10 118101001103-5 34-10
1104-5 65-15
110510 8501005
110610 6110101045
110710 691010075
110810 31101010115
110910 7210100145
1101010 880100165
10 117100013011-5 100160
1301210 7410100190
0 14413013-5 115185
1301410 10310010215
1301510 50101010255
10 75001015016255
10 75001017017255
1701810 5410100285
0 13717019285
1702010 9410010315
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text