2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 8: Cambridge B vs. Oxford A

Cambridge B


Andrei Hui3030
Ben LaFond4040
Linus Luu1010
Rachel Bentham2020
10 bonuses for 180 points (18 PPB)

Oxford A


Delia Cropper000
Eveline Ong115
Omer Keskin6060
Ved Muthusamy3125
10 bonuses for 240 points (24 PPB)

Andrei HuiBen LaFondLinus LuuRachel BenthamBonusesTotalTUDelia CropperEveline OngOmer KeskinVed MuthusamyBonusesTotal
10 1300100201-5 99-5
20210 7010101035
20310 651010065
10 12801010504-5 5960
50510 62101010100
10 6410100806100
80710 701000120
80810 3510100150
10 1401001009150
1001010 35101010190
1001110 83101010230
10 7810101014012230
10 59001016013230
1601410 8810010260
10 38001018015260
10 4910101022016260
2201710 116101010300
10 42010024018300
10 9110101028019300
2802010 6801010330
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text