2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 1: Emory A vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Kabir Zaman5050
Sean Jackson2020
Benny Shtutman3030
Braeden Laroche120
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

Emory A


Tarun Koti4135
Zachary Kant1010
Ethan Altshul3220
Cohen Wiegers115
9 bonuses for 170 points (18.89 PPB)

Kabir ZamanSean JacksonBenny ShtutmanBraeden LarocheBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiZachary KantEthan AltshulCohen WiegersBonusesTotal
0110 671010030
10 113101010402-5 7425
10 1020010603-5 4820
10 541010090420
-5 6685510 96001040
85610 6210101080
85710 7210100110
85810 5410010140
10 88101001159140
10 1070101014510-5 56135
10 34001016511135
10 85001018512135
1851310 6310100165
1851410 5610100195
-5 581801510 10701010225
10 611001021016225
10 231001024017225
10 661010027018225
2701910 661000245
10 980101030020-5 74240
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text