2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 1: Columbia A vs. Maryland B

Columbia A


Derek Chen3030
Elijah Scheinson4040
Annis Choi000
Olin Bose7070
14 bonuses for 310 points (22.14 PPB)

Maryland B


Daniel Kim2020
Kevin Liu1010
Ben Spirtas115
Rohit Chintala2020
6 bonuses for 150 points (25 PPB)

Derek ChenElijah ScheinsonAnnis ChoiOlin BoseBonusesTotalTUDaniel KimKevin LiuBen SpirtasRohit ChintalaBonusesTotal
10 851010104010
10 73010107020
10 5000109030
10 321010012040
120610 35001020
10 77101010160720
10 41101010200820
10 7710010230920
10 73101002601020
10 481010103001120
10 44100103301220
10 65010103601320
10 17010103901420
3901510 2710101060
3901610 49101010100
10 6010101043017100
4301810 60101010140
10 1071010046019140
4602010 871000160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text