2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 1: Bard A vs. Princeton A

Princeton A


Lucas Shedlock9280
Sidhant Chaliha2115
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

Bard A


Abby Hope2020
Greta Hong6060
Ezra Greenhill000
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Lucas ShedlockSidhant ChalihaBonusesTotalTUAbby HopeGreta HongEzra GreenhillBonusesTotal
10 9510002010
-5 7415210 1140101030
10 8800025330
10 8700035430
10 850101065530
65610 8600040
65710 31010060
10 60001085860
10 971000105960
-5 431001010 1080101090
1001110 65101010130
10 31001012012130
1201310 1070100150
10 331010015014150
1501510 920010170
10 64100017016170
10 131001020017170
10 8810101024018170
-5 35235190 109170
2352010 991000190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text