2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 4: Liberty B vs. NC State A

NC State A


John Nolan01010
Connor Kahn013-5
Jesse Mindle002-10
John Gamble05240
7 bonuses for 140 points (20 PPB)

Liberty B


Miller Doerr04040
Jonathan Bost02115
Samuel Miller0120
Abby Keith02020
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

John NolanConnor KahnJesse MindleJohn GambleBonusesTotalTUMiller DoerrJonathan BostSamuel MillerAbby KeithBonusesTotal
-5 65-510 1070
10 701010103520
-5 633030 790
10 45100106040
60510 22100020
-5 2755610 68010040
55710 820101070
-5 6250810 112100090
10 1001000709-5 3285
-5 82651010 871000105
-5 66601110 10301010135
10 47010109012135
10 910101012013135
-5 471151410 7001010165
0 12411515-5 115160
10 1080101014516160
0 10114517-5 71155
10 281010017518155
1751910 5710100185
1752010 4310010215
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text