2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 12: Illinois B vs. Northwestern B

Illinois B


Ethan Ma000
David Zhang2115
Anila Moparthi5050
7 bonuses for 170 points (24.29 PPB)

Northwestern B


Timothy Chiu2020
Vikas Kothari4135
Azura Gollamudi7165
13 bonuses for 280 points (21.54 PPB)

Ethan MaDavid ZhangAnila MoparthiBonusesTotalTUTimothy ChiuVikas KothariAzura GollamudiBonusesTotal
0110 641010030
0210 8410101070
-5 86-5310 101101010110
-5410 5501010140
-5510 67101010180
-5610 1001010210
-5710 81101010250
-5810 590010270
10 51101010359270
351010 631000290
10 105010106511-5 69285
10 6801008512285
10 10510101012513-5 27280
1251410 81101010320
1251510 560100340
10 3110101016516340
1651710 7201010370
10 581001019518370
1951910 4010010400
10 5910101023520400
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text