
This author wrote about two lovers separated by the Hellespont in a poem that concludes “who ever loved, that loved not at first sight.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this author of the poem “Hero and Leander.” This author wrote a play where the title character Barabas gets boiled alive after he poisons his daughter Abigail in a nunnery.
ANSWER: Christopher Marlowe (The play is The Jew of Malta.)
[10e] Marlowe also wrote a poem about a “passionate” member of this profession that begins “come live with me and be my love.” These people are also depicted herding flocks of animals in the pastoral genre of poetry.
ANSWER: shepherds [accept “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love”]
[10h] This author finished the poem “Hero and Leander” after Marlowe’s death. This author’s translation of The Odyssey inspired a John Keats poem titled “On First Looking into [this author’s] Homer.”
ANSWER: George Chapman [accept “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”]
<British Literature>

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