2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 1: Illinois B vs. Northwestern A

Northwestern A


Jacob Puthipiroj6060
Arthur Zhang120
Franke Gordon2020
Faith Magiera01-5
9 bonuses for 170 points (18.89 PPB)

Illinois B


Ethan Ma4325
David Zhang3030
Anila Moparthi4040
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

Jacob PuthipirojArthur ZhangFranke GordonFaith MagieraBonusesTotalTUEthan MaDavid ZhangAnila MoparthiBonusesTotal
10 70101003010
10 11301010602-5 59-5
60310 50001015
60410 6700025
10 9701010905-5 6720
90610 62100040
90710 56100060
10 6010010120860
10 7210100150960
-5 411451010 1080101090
-5 561401110 7501010120
1401210 260010140
10 10510101018013140
10 4310101022014140
2201510 170010160
10 51100024016160
2401710 2510010190
0 9424018-5 70185
-5 352351910 5310100215
2352010 401000235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text