2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 1: Illinois C vs. Notre Dame B

Notre Dame B


Veronica Freund000
Patrick Boyle02-10
Noah McRedmond5050
Kennedy Gallaher2115
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

Illinois C


Steven Song6060
Galen Song2020
Jack Piros5050
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Veronica FreundPatrick BoyleNoah McRedmondKennedy GallaherBonusesTotalTUSteven SongGalen SongJack PirosBonusesTotal
10 881010104010
40210 740101030
10 650101070330
70410 6200040
-5 7065510 97001060
-5 5960610 113100080
60710 11110100110
60810 580010130
10 9010100909130
-5 60851010 80101010170
851110 5710010200
851210 500010220
10 62010010513220
1051410 6110100250
10 69001012515250
10 771010015516250
1551710 1310010280
10 841010018518280
1851910 7210010310
1852010 3901010340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text