2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 10: Jefferson County Scholars vs. Michigan B

Michigan B


Leo Tao2020
Cole Polley5145
Mark Lee2020
Stephen Barstys4040
13 bonuses for 270 points (20.77 PPB)

Jefferson County Scholars


Beckett Gilmore7545
Trey Stephens000
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Leo TaoCole PolleyMark LeeStephen BarstysBonusesTotalTUBeckett GilmoreTrey StephensBonusesTotal
10 10010010301-5 84-5
10 6510010602-5
60310 641001025
10 920100804-5 7520
80510 40010040
10 93100101106-5 5535
110710 78100055
10 50101010150855
150910 79100075
10 681001018010-5 2770
1801110 4401010100
10 690101021012100
2101310 5710010130
10 6310101025014130
-5 1032451510 12010010160
10 890101027516-5 70155
10 711010030517155
10 10310101034518155
10 971010037519155
10 85001039520155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text